On November 12, 2019, a workshop on life sciences “Shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry. Trends, Developments and Best practices” was held in Moscow. The workshop was organized by Exyte, a partner of NANOLEK.
The event brought together top chiefs of pharmaceutical and biotech companies to discuss pressing issues. We live in a rapidly changing world of technology in which the future is shaped today. It’s a wastefulness for any single innovative company not to follow trends and not to respond to all new challenges that come to light.
To determine the future of the pharmaceutical industry, trends and special expertise, to shape a thrust of market development and growth, engineering technologies and production methods (subject to strict GMP regulations), to get to know the best practices of smart companies are global, but real goals (if we handle these issues as practitioners).
Maxim Stetsyuk, Executive Director of NANOLEK, discussed with his peers the prospects of biotechnology development in Russia, Zakhar Golant, Chairman of the Board of the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Clusters Union, moderated. The discussion turned out to be so constructive and positive that it was extended beyond the time limits set and continued in an informal setting.
We would like to thank our fellow participants and organizers for a meaningful dialogue and exchange of opinions. Such meetings help maintain multilateral relationship with industry players and form an overall opinion on the state of affairs in the industry.
Workshop “Shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry. Trends, Developments and Best practices”