22.03.22, Kirov. The Ministry of Education of the Kirov Region, Vyatka State University and the Russian innovative biopharmaceutical company Nanolek signed a 3-party educational agreement. The parties aim to create favourable conditions for the development of school education in biopharmaceuticals in the Kirov Region.
The issues of interaction will relate to increasing the migration attractiveness of the region and retaining talents in the Kirov Region, developing the human resources potential of biopharmaceutical industries, organizing school education and developing higher education with a specialization in pharmaceutical biotechnology, early career guidance for schoolchildren, taking into account the needs of the biotechnology industry, which is a current priority for the Kirov Region.
The agreement was signed by the Minister of Education of the Kirov Region - Olga Nikolaevna Ryseva, the Rector of the Vyatka State University - Valentin Nikolayevich Pugach and General Director of Nanolek - Mikhail Sergeevich Nekrasov.
The Minister of Education of the Kirov Region Olga Nikolaevna Ryseva noted that the signing of the agreement would contribute to the implementation of regional programs and events of particular social importance for the people of the Kirov Region. “Biotechnology, innovative and promising industry is one of the key areas for the development of our region; therefore, it is strategically important to start with the training of personnel, which means to ensure the continuity of “school - university - enterprise” in advance. And it is necessary to start with early professional orientation of students of general educational institutions, taking into account the needs of the industry of the Kirov Region. In the secondary school of Levintsy village, we have already equipped three classrooms in the subjects of “chemistry”, “biology” and “physics” for the organization of specialized, teaching students in grades 10-11 to study these subjects at an in-depth level,” the minister commented.
Valentin Nikolayevich Pugach, the Rector of Vyatka State University: “With great pleasure, we organize various open events for schoolchildren so that they understand that there is a future in the region. And this is a brilliant future that is being laid today, now. At our university, we form competencies that will be in demand in decades. And for this, it is necessary not only to work with young people, but also to implement additional professional education programs for teachers in the following areas: biotechnology, biochemistry, biology, microbiology, and genetic technologies”.
Mikhail Nekrasov, General Director of Nanolek: “In our company, 35% of our employees are specialists in biotechnology. Today, we employ more than 170 VyatSU alumni and these are young specialists with high professional training. We actively participate in the life of VyatSU students, organizing excursions to the enterprise; willingly accepting students for internships, and participating as members of the state attestation commission. It is important that the younger generation understands that they will be in demand here, in the Kirov Region, where all conditions have been created for obtaining a diploma at a prestigious university and further professional development at an innovative enterprise.”