The primary task of the Association is to bring together oncologists who conduct practical activities, improve treatment methods, implement them, and pay particular attention to the prevention of cancer and timely diagnosis. The union also includes theoretical experts involved in scientific research and education in this sphere.
According to statistics, cancer mortality today is in second place. Still, thanks to the joint efforts, together we can make a significant contribution to this fight, expand patients’ access to effective therapy, and improve the quality of life and its duration.
NANOLEK will take an active part in the work of the Association, since the oncological direction, along with the vaccine, is one of the focal points for the company today. NANOLEK is actively developing a portfolio of medicines for the treatment of cancer, both in partnership with major international companies and through its developments.
Thus, in October 2019, NANOLEK and the Janssen company announced the localization of the production of the medicine called Darzalex® (daratumumab) in Russia. This medication is used in the treatment of multiple myeloma.
NANOLEK Is Now a Partner of the Russian Association of Oncologists