NANOLEK - a partner of the ping pong tournament

On February 1, at a comprehensive secondary school in Levintsy village of the Kirov Region, a ping pong tournament was held with the help of a great supporter - NANOLEK.
As many as 18 athletes from Orichi, Mirny, and Levintsy attended the competition and, of course, the BMK NANOLEK team consisting of Artem Burdin (an engineer), Evgeny Vasiliev (an equipment operator for preparing sterile solutions), Vladimir Klygin (a specialist in the control and design group). The tournament was held in a circular system. Our athletes had to spend 14 difficult and intensive matches with each of the participants in the competition.
The level of skill and sports spirit of the players deserves special attention: they regularly train twice a week with the chief judge of the tournament, a sports teacher of the school Nikolai Alexandrovich Kataev.
And now the credits to the winners:
Men - Sergei Perminov from Orichi, who had not lost a single match, took the first place; - The second place got a tennis player from Levintsy village - Alexei Semenov; - Maxim Shishkin from Orichi won third place.
- Nadezhda Novoselova from the village Levintsy took the first place;
- The second place got Alexandra Maltseva also from village Levintsy; - Anna Tolstogorova from the same settlement got third place.
At the award ceremony, the Director of the Department of Economic Territory Development NANOLEK Sergey Tolstobrov granted the athletes commemorative letters, medals, and gifts. We are happy to congratulate the winners and wish them to achieve new sports results!