Dear colleagues and partners,
given the current situation around the coronavirus pandemic, which affects the business processes of most companies and enterprises worldwide, we would like you to know that NANOLEK sticks to its normal operations as before.
Based on the latest data received from our HR Department, all our employees, both on the shop floor and in office, continue to work at full pace, and none of them has shown any symptoms of coronavirus disease so far.
We have warned employees of all departments of epidemiological safety, rules of conduct amidst the spread of the virus, purchased antibacterial cleaners and disinfectants, installed bactericidal air recirculators in premises.
NANOLEK positions itself as a high-tech company, therefore we have necessary tools to arrange remote work practices. Since we have previously taken necessary efforts to digitize all our data and considering our daily remote communication with partners and employees of our production facility in Kirov, we were able to quickly set up and implement remote work patterns for a number of employees of the Moscow office. This is a preventive measure that helps employees avoid crowded places (subway and other means of public transport).
We have adopted enhanced security measures at the NANOLEK production facility in the Kirov region in line with the best global practices. Moreover, we have set up an emergency response team to counteract the spread of the virus to employees and minimize harm caused by the spread of the virus to the overall activities of the facility. We have given an in-depth briefing and restricted access of third parties. We measure body temperature of our employees on a daily basis before they proceed to their shift work.
NANOLEK stays in touch continuously, and all departments are fully involved in their daily duties: research, production and logistics departments. We have fulfilled and continue to fulfil all our contractual obligations.
Besides, we are constantly doing the media monitoring and follow the latest news related to research on coronavirus disease, emergence of new tests and treatment options.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require any further information. We always stay in touch.
Yours sincerely, management of NANOLEK
Information letter for partners to notify of NANOLEK’s adherence to normal business practice