Dear Colleagues,
on March 25, 2020, President of Russia Vladimir Putin delivered a speech addressing all Russians and this event could not be disregarded. It is perfectly right that the head of state personally addressed the nation and made the necessary decisions that will help our country counteract the pandemic.
NANOLEK is a big family, therefore we are now addressing each one of you. Our trade is among the the most sought-after industries nationwide. It is usual practice for everyone of us to visit the pharmacy at least once a week: to buy vitamins or basic supplies for your home first aid kit. But let’s just think about people who need vital and essential drugs, without which their health would be at risk of deteriorating significantly, and children would not be protected against life-threatening and vaccine-preventable infections.
We can’t relax while taking care of these people and we do not have a moral right to act like this at that difficult time for our country and the rest of the world. We can not stop production, suspend all supply chains, stop development and go on leave. NANOLEK means not just callous production lines, NANOLEK means first of all PEOPLE, that is, US and YOU.
The experience of the previous week shows that employees not directly involved in production are able to maintain the continuity of processes by working from home. Able to secure a solid foundation for the development of our company in the future. All our employees who once opted for pharmaceutical science are responsible for the lives and health of people requiring our drugs on a daily basis.
Our mission never changes at any time: We protect the lives and health of people, making the world’s best technologies available to everyone.
We believe that our staff form a real team. It’s time to prove that the Company’s values are not just lofty rhetoric, but words supported by real action.
NANOLEK has to meet its obligations to people in need of our drugs.
Address of the Company’s management to employees: NANOLEK is among the companies that take urgent action in emergency situations