As part of the XV All-Russian Congress of Patients, a round table was held dedicated to the country’s infectious safety. Experts discussed the prospects for the development of the National Vaccination Calendar.
Project Director of the All-Russian Patients' Union Oleg Almendeev noted that infectious and parasitic human diseases are one of the most significant threats to health safety. According to him, the healthcare system should be aimed at developing the vaccination calendar and including the prevention of new diseases in it. First in line are vaccinations against meningococcal and rotavirus infections, human papillomavirus and chickenpox.
Head of the Department of Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Research Institute of Children's Infections, FMBA, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Susanna Harit spoke about the need to include vaccination against meningococcal infection in the NVC:
- Meningitis is a fairly high cause of death in children in the first five years of life. That is why the World Health Organization has adopted a global roadmap to combat meningitis until 2030. According to Susanna Harit, treating the consequences of meningococcal infection is expensive, in contrast to its prevention. This infection is becoming increasingly difficult to treat due to increasing antibiotic resistance. Those people who were able to overcome the disease face long-term consequences and disability. Today, each case of treatment for meningitis costs the state 450 thousand rubles annually, while a dose of the vaccine costs 7 thousand rubles.
Elena Stukun, commercial director of Nanolek:
- We are ready to meet the needs of the NKPP to the required extent. Today, the company’s facilities have already localized the production of several vaccines, including those against meningococcal infection - the first in line for inclusion in the National Vaccination Calendar, according to the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases for the period up to 2035. Today, our production site produces more than 700 thousand doses per year. This multivalent vaccine, which protects against the most dangerous serotypes of meningococcus, is commercially available commercially and through regional immunization programs. We have plans to deepen localization and produce a finished dosage form. We confirm our full readiness to implement them and are confident that we are able to cover the existing need for this vaccine, providing every Russian family with the opportunity to protect their children.
The All-Russian Congress of Patients is the largest national platform for public-governmental dialogue in the field of healthcare. Conducted annually since 2010 by the All-Russian Patients' Union with the support of federal authorities. Here, current pressing health issues are discussed, the results of public-state interaction for the year are summed up and tasks are set for the next period.